Pharmacies in Plovdiv


Phone number: 0879839658

Plovdiv, Trakiya Nbh., Saedinenie Str., TK Bratya Mirchevi

You will be welcomed by professionals and friends will see you off! Partner of the Regional Health Insurance Fund, Medical devices and supplies; Wide range of nutritional supplements and herbs; Medical cosmetics.

Phone number: 032 631743

Address: Plovdiv, Georgi Mamarchev 21

Phone number: 032 681890

Address: Plovdiv, Prespa 8A

Phone number: 032 692320

Address: Plovdiv, Makedoniya 33

Phone number: 032 623906

Address: Plovdiv, Mortagon 6

Phone number: 032 627332

Address: Plovdiv, Ponedelnik Pazar 5

Phone number: 032 262 004

Address: Plovdiv, Nayden Gerov 13