Drug Stores in Bulgaria


Phone number: 0879101562; 028510316

Sofia, Shandor Petyofi str., 28

Import and trade of highly technological medical products for children, adults, and athletes in cases of acute trauma, chronic ailments, and preventive measures of French company Thuasne, Thuasne-Thamert, Spanish company Fresco, and German Salamander


Phone number: 0879839658

Plovdiv, Trakiya Nbh., Saedinenie Str., TK Bratya Mirchevi

You will be welcomed by professionals and friends will see you off! Partner of the Regional Health Insurance Fund, Medical devices and supplies; Wide range of nutritional supplements and herbs; Medical cosmetics.

Phone number: 089 9816009

Address: Dalgopol, G.Dimitrov 109

Phone number: 0610 52893

Address: Pavlikeni, Bogomil 11

Phone number: 02 9532851

Address: Sofia, bul. TSar Boris III 23