Commercial Furniture and Equipment Shops in Bulgaria


Phone number: 0898484848; 0898771177

Sofia, 228 Lomsko shose Blvd.

Right Rental is a company that provides rental tents and catering equipment for private, corporate and sports events. We are an established Bulgarian market leader in event management logistics and construction of multipurpose facilities/tents.

Phone number: 02 8653220

Address: Sofia, Milin kamak 59

Phone number: 02 91997

Address: Sofia, Krastyo Sarafov 27

Phone number: 029609882

Address: Sofia, ul. Simeonov vek 17A ap. 28

Phone number: 02 9831762

Address: Sofia, Iskar 43

Phone number: 032 640522

Address: Plovdiv, bul. Vasil Aprilov 27

Phone number: 032 503 220

Address: Plovdiv, Knyaginya Mariya Luiza 60

Phone number: 052 301 935

Address: Varna, 8-mi primorski polk 128

Phone number: 02 970 05 18

Address: Sofia, bul. Prof.TSvetan Lazarov 10A