Buying and trading with pumpkin, sunflower seeds, peeled sunflower seeds, coriander, walnuts and walnut kernels, baking and packing of nuts.

The Company has article of activity:Trading and external trading activity,import-export,buying,trading with sunflower seeds,pumpkin seeds,coriander,walnuts,baking and packing of nuts,trading with agricultural productions.

The Company has possibility to clean up all sort of seeds, and nuts with capacity 300 tones per day.

The Company is satisfying the needs of consumers with own goods as internal market so external market.

The consumers of our products are: the people of all ages trading shops,warehouse,factories to produce cooking oil.The success of teh Company is due to suggested quality and ecologically clean production and goods.correctness towards production,supplies,services,trading and payment with the customers.



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Кольо Ламбрев 06 Jun 2015 21:08

Зареждаме редовно ядките на Джили сой в магазина. Винаги са пресни и клиентите ги търсят. Много добре работим с тях и са много точни.

Деница Ангелова 24 Apr 2014 10:12

Доволен клиент

Ядките на ДЖИЛИ СОЙ,са свежи,добре обработени и съхранени.Винаги получаваме навреме поръчаните количества.Препоръчваме ги!

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