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ADL (Anywhere Delivery & Logistics) LTD

Why ADL? We offer our clients tailored solutions for a wide range of logistics tasks. We approach each job individually and with passion. We believe in our ability to deliver quality services to our clients on time, every time.

Greetings! ADL has a short history but our development was fast paced. Thanks to the famous Bulgarian stubbornness in 2005 we decided that we have piled up enough experience to start our own business. We planted ourselves in the already existing market of freight and courier services and thus our fight for the piece of the pie began. What we offer? We will not talk about our enormous fleets of ships and truck or our endless office and warehouse spaces. We offer possibilities for successful business. We believe that business can be built only on trust and partnership.

    If you are looking for:



Land deliveries

Courier shipments

Customs brokerage and accompanying activities

We can save your time and solve your shipping problem. Our doors are always open, you are welcome!

“To clap you need both hands, one is not enough. We reach out to you and we will be very grateful if we deserve to shake yours”

A.Chakarova, manager


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Марин Буков 02 Jun 2015 17:58

Адеел са най-добрите патрньори за спедиция и доставка на пратки. На тях може да се разчита че всичко ще бъде доставено невредимо и в указания срок. Винаги точни и коректни. С тях бизнеса върви отлично.

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