Publishing Houses in Bulgaria


Phone number: 029230498

Sofia, 1 Georgi Sofiyski Str.

Mission: to provide information for educational, research and clinical practice. Activities: to supply, catalogue, process and deliver information; to perform thematic searches, users training, publishing, editorial and illustrating activities.


Phone number: 044625397; 044622441

Sliven, 1 Nikola Karev Str.

Sava Dobroplodni Regional library is the main library, cultural and scientific-information center in the Sliven region. It has a rich book fund of 350 000 library units. Organizer of the National Children's Book Festival.

Phone number: 02 9433534

Address: Sofia, TSarigradsko shose 47

Phone number: 02 9431861

Address: Sofia, Oborishte ul. Marin Drinov 15

Phone number: 02 988 37 97

Address: Sofia, P.R.Slaveykov 11

Phone number: 0888 235231

Address: Sofia, ul. YAkubitsa 7B

Phone number: 032 60 90 90

Address: Plovdiv, Aleksandar Stamboliyski 9

Phone number: 02 9883641

Address: Sofia, Angel Kanchev 11

Phone number: 096 307572

Address: Montana, ul. Kliment Ohridski 16