Office Supplies and Furniture in Bulgaria

ADL Ltd.

Phone number: 029515134; 029526129

Sofia, 16 Dukatska planina Str.

ADL Ltd. is XEROX Premier Partner, and one of the first private companies contracted to supply and distribution of XEROX equipment. The organization is specialized in delivery and maintenance of Xerox products throughout the country.

Phone number: 062 600 675

Address: Veliko Tarnovo, ul. Mariya Gabrovska 2A

Phone number: 02 8510818

Address: Sofia, ul. Evstatii Pelagoniyski 7

Phone number: 0722 69 977

Address: Samokov, Abadzhiyska 6

Phone number: 032 203004

Address: Plovdiv, Trakiya bl. 176A, do vh.A

Phone number: 032 640 960

Address: Plovdiv, Gen.Gr.Kyurkchiev 18

Phone number: 0331 22446

Address: Asenovgrad, Izlozhenie 3

Phone number: 02 9624262

Address: Sofia, Dianabad bl. 60