The main activity of Vesta V and S is import and distribution of lubricants, filters and spare parts for cars and light trucks. Brands: Motor Gold, Bizol, Vasco Filters, Ashika, Kolbenschmidt, Technofil, Denso, NGK, Xtec.

The main activity of the company is the distribution of lubricants, filters and spare parts for cars, light and heavy duty trucks.

We are direct importers of many leading manufacturers from Italy, Germany, Hungary of the brands Motor Gold, Bizol, Vasco Filters, Ashika, Kolbenschmidt, Technofil, Premium Filter, Aster, Prevent, NGK, Denso, Xtec.

We have built distribution network of warehouses and stores for wholesale and retail.

Our goal is to expand the product range and meet the needs of our customers.


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Васил Груев 09 Jul 2015 15:41

Всякакви резервни авточасти и смазочни масла намирам в техния магазин, каквото ми трябва.Имат много богат избор и са много любезни. Ако ми потрябва нещо за колата, там го търся/

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