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TROX is a technological leader in the development, production and marketing of air conditioning and ventilation components and systems. TROX Austria was established in 1963 as a 100% branch of TROX GmbH and is officially in Bulgaria since 1992.

The art of handling air

Good air is a factor in your quality of life. Whether outside in the open air or in an enclosed space, we only feel truly well in the freshair. Air, the elixir of life, lets us breathe freely. It is invigorating, inspiring, and gives us the energy to live and work.

TROX understands the art of competently handling air like no other company in the world. In close collaboration with demanding clients from around the globe, we have successfully manufactured leading technologies and marketed systems and components for ventilation and indoor climate control. We are consistently expanding upon this position by means of intensive research and development activities.

The individual is the focus at TROX: as a client with visionary ideas and technological goals, as a motivated and qualified company employee, as a responsible decision-maker at the management level, and last but not least, as a human being who would like to live and work in well-ventilated spaces.

Since our corporation was founded, we have stood by this philosophy and vouched for our good name. It has created our distinctive client base and is indicative of our solution-minded approach, and is therefore the source of our company success.


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Трокс ни проектираха и изпълниха вентилационна и климатична система за малък производствен цех. Препоръчвам ги за такива дейности. Подходиха много професионално и отговорно, с отношение към клиента. Доволни сме от сътрудничеството с тях.

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