Fatokem Ltd. is an official representative for and distributor at the Bulgarian market of several leading companies dealing mainly in the field of paint & lacquers, construction, plastics, ceramics, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, fuel additives

Fatokem Ltd. was established in 1993 with Bulgarian and foreign capital. Several changes in the capital took place over the years and since 2004 100% of the capital is Bulgarian.
Mr. Stefan Tomov is owner and managing director of the company.

Fatokem Ltd. is an official representative for and distributor at the Bulgarian market of several leading companies dealing mainly in the field of paint & lacquers, construction, plastics, ceramics, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, fuel additives and processing oils.


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Найден Пецов 22 Jun 2015 20:41

Много висококачествени суровини за бояджийската промишленост предлагат във Фатокем. Препоръчвам ги, с тях се работи много добре. Отговорни са и коректни.

Иван Георгиев 28 Apr 2014 09:41


Препоръчвам продуктите и услугите на фирма ФАТОКЕМ.Суровините им се качествени и доставката е в срок.Ползвваме ги от години.Разчитаме на нов асортимент и консултация.

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