Complete accounting services for companies, including accounting and year end closing - annual activity report, payroll and personnel, consulting services, incl. tax concultancy. We provide independent financial audit, legal services and many more.

Full accounting services to companies overall organization of accounting, accrual accounting, registration and deregistration VAT - compulsory and optional warehouse in type, quantity and value, payroll and personnel, annual financial statements and annual activity report, annual tax declarations, administrative, labor and legal advice, consult a CPA and providing independent financial audit, methodological guidance, according to the accounting, tax, social security and labor legislation in the country. For more information, please visit our website -

As accounting company Eurostandart is a specialized in accounting firm within the meaning of the Accountancy Law. Advisory for businesses on social security and tax law issues from daily operational nature, as well as strategic and long term planning of revenues and expenditures of budgeting based accounting we do for the company. Compliance with existing regulations in our work we guarantee implementing the latest practices in professional accounting.

 Our policy is based on attention to each client, honesty and responsibility.
Since its foundation Eurostandart Accountancy began to build its image as a partner that can be relied. The company has gained experience and reputation, which means a lot to our customers - nowadays the number of the serviced companies exceeds 36, most of which operate in different fields of the economy.

Speaking to us, you can choose us serving your as chief accountant and executor of the annual financial statements of your company.

 Advantages of the accounting service of Eurostandart accountancy:


  • no need to support accounting department in your company;
  • we care and follow for the latest changes in legislation and regulations in the country regarding accounting, tax, social security and labor legislation, instead of you;
  • information and analysis is provided to you by our manager who oversees the work of the team. So you extract the specific economic benefits, especially by minimizing the taxes paid by your company;
  • No risk of sudden chaos in case of leaving of an accountant and waiting for hire a new one.

Other services provided by the company:

  •  An independent financial audit;
  • Consultation with a certified public accountant, tax matters, insurance, labor and accounting legislation and legal framework - advice in the field of legacy;
  • Founding, registrations changes and dissolution of companies – these services are performed by highly qualified attorney to the company;



Our prices can be found here.


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Васил Лазаров 22 Jul 2015 14:04


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