Arsov 90

Arsov 90 produces beech boards and oak parquet. Steamed and dried boards to 8-10% humidity dimensions: L - 2100-3200 mm, W - 120-450 mm and T - of 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 mm. Oak parquet 20x50x300 and 20x50x350 mm. Production of sunbeds and beehives.

Arsov 90 Ltd is the largest producer in Bulgaria and Europe on wood and beech parquet flooring. Manufacturing production cycle is completely closed by logging in high mountainous terrain, transport of beech logs, beech processing material with band saws and machines manufactured by Arsov 90 Ltd, steaming beech boards, beech elements and beech parquet floors, through a process of drying Beech wood and parquet floors. Finally getting the finished products: steamed beech boards with high quality beech parquet made with European requirements for product conformity.

Company performed Export beech wood and beech parquet flooring around the world: Poland, Lithuania, Serbia, Germany, China, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE and many other countries.

Our prices are most favorable wholesale, they include:

  1.  Packaging on beech wood and beech parquet
  2. Loading truck
  3. Preparation and receive customs documents
  4. Certificate of origin for beech timber and beech wood parquet flooring
  5. Phyto certificate for beech wood and beech parquet

If you need more information about the beech planks beech or beech parquet elements, please contact us to prepare the best offer for you.


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Биляна Ламбрева 08 Jul 2015 19:45

Буков паркет ни сложиха в къщи. С изключително добро качество, устойчив на външни влияния и много красив. Останахме доволни и от монтажа. Препоръчвам ги, хубавото си е хубаво.

Голям производител,който не подценява българския пазар. Паркетът е с отлино качество.

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