Non-traditional Medicine in Sofia

SMILO - Agency for quality and safety of goods

Phone number: 029461254; 0888543141

Sofia, Yavorov Nbh., bl. 23, ent. 1, ap. 3

Agency SMILO is a leading company in the field of foodmedicines, food supplements and cosmetics. Agency SMILO launched food supplement MAOLO used when. We need to have chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Phone number: 088 9585500

Address: Sofia, ul. ul. Rilski ezera 15 ent. A fl. 1 ap. 1

Phone number: 088 7265627

Address: Sofia, Gorna Banya, hotelski k. Gorna Banya, staya 102

Phone number: 02 9523449, 02 9525199, 02 9526070

Address: Sofia, ul. Layosh Koshut 24 , vatreshen vhod, ofis 8

Phone number: 032 263010

Address: Plovdiv, ul. Kiril i Metodiy 2 fl. 2

Phone number: 02 952 51 39

Address: Sofia, Layosh Koshut 24, ofis 8

Phone number: 02 9880807

Address: Sofia, Slaveykov 11 fl. 2

Phone number: 02 4442742

Address: Sofia, ul. Lyuben Karavelov 83

Phone number: 02 8722275

Address: Sofia, A.P.CHehov 78 ap. 2