Food Wholesale in Sofia


Sofia, 247 Botevgradsko shose Blvd., Office Building, fl. 1

Alta Bulgaria is on the Bulgarian market since 1992. The companys portfolio is including products under own brands - Ocean, Del Alma, Elabo, Neptun, Mapa, Junngle, Mimosa, etc. and the products under exclusivity - Kent, Kelloggs, Sante, etc.

Phone number: 088 6470176

Address: Sofia, Prof. Asen Zlatarov 16

Phone number: 02 8577706

Address: Sofia, TSar Boris III 369

Phone number: 089 7894990

Address: Sofia, Serdika bl. 22 ent. A fl. 2 ap. 4

Phone number: 02 962 57 55

Address: Sofia, Sv.Kliment Ohridski 57

Phone number: 066 806 230

Address: Gabrovo, Svishtovska 103

Phone number: 0888960108

Address: Sofia, Ekzarh Yosif 79

Phone number: 0899 860196

Address: Sofia, Druzhba bl. 182 ent. A fl. 4 ap. 15

Phone number: 02 943 90 30

Address: Sofia, YAnko Sakazov 32

Phone number: 087 8387858

Address: Sofia, ul. Akad. Stefan Mladenov 2