Glues, Paints, Varnishes and Solvents Manufacturing in Bulgaria


Phone number: 0888435398

Varna, 40 Kapitan Petko Voivoda Str.

Perfect Colors Ltd. as an exclusive representative for Bulgaria of CASATI factory offers experience and professionalism, high quality, wide range of environmental products in more than 800 000 colors at affordable prices for everyone.

Phone number: 08115 2956

Address: Chervena Voda, stopanski dvor, imot 6

Phone number: 02 4899494

Address: Sofia, zh.k. Mladost 4, Biznes Park Sofiya, sgrada 4, et.4

Phone number: 0897 685 582

Address: Sofia, Maslinovo klonche 2

Phone number: 088 7853495

Address: Plovdiv, Kiril Hristov 8

Phone number: 054 875755

Address: Shumen, ul. Layosh Koshut 11