Gas Installations in Bulgaria


Phone number: 088 8951039

Sofia, Beli brezi ul. prof. d-r Dimitar Atanasov 16 fl. 2

We offer design and construction of projects in the field of gas installation, air-conditioning, heating and ventilation of residential, public, administrative and industrial buildings. Our aim is to achieve high efficiency of our sites/our projects.


Phone number: 029737308; 042900750

Sofia, 1 Tsar Boris III Blvd., fl. 4

The wide range of applications for industrial gases in various industries, medicine, environmental protection, research and development ranks Linde Gas Bulgaria among the leading companies in this industry.

Phone number: 089 9713556

Address: Sofia, Aleksandar Stamboliyski 205

Phone number: 088 6289663

Address: Stara Zagora, Patriarh Evtimiy 44

Phone number: 088 8853141

Address: Sofia, Strelbishte ul. Mayor P. Toshev 19

Phone number: 02 8558786

Address: Sofia, Lyublyana 6

Phone number: 064 830533

Address: Pleven, Ruse 37A