Galvanic, Cold and Thermal Processing in Bulgaria



Our objective is to offer industrial customers the complete solution for production of parts, assembled parts and products, which saves time, management effort, control costs, and guarantees quality of product and security of supply.


Sliven, 59 Tsar Simeon Str.

machines and equipment as textile machinery, universal and CNC machine tools, flexible machining lines and cells for the automotive industry, automatic systems, hydraulic components and systems have been manufactured.

Phone number: 02 8260625

Address: Sofia, Evropa 176

Phone number: 0751 60406

Address: Gotse Delchev, Ilarion Makariopolski 3

Phone number: 042 637 015

Address: Stara Zagora, Sv.Knyaz Boris I 164 ent. B ap. 43

Phone number: 02 9732340

Address: Sofia, ul. Podporuchik Yordan Todorov 8

Phone number: 032 677394

Address: Plovdiv, ul. Komatevsko shose 168

Phone number: 02 8322113

Address: Sofia, Sliven 16

Phone number: 02 9208118

Address: Sofia, ul. Kukush 1

Phone number: 02 857 91 21

Address: Sofia, ul. Lazaropole 1