Dentists and Dental Surgeries in Plovdiv


Plovdiv, 147 Tsar Boris III Obedinitel boul.

We are a small, family-run dental practice and our mission is to provide you with the highest quality dental care at reasonable prices. We are extending our service to you from 9.00 am to 21.00 pm every weekday.

Phone number: 032 633 721

Address: Plovdiv, Plamak 1

Phone number: 032 642299

Address: Plovdiv, Gergana 7

Phone number: 088 8390006

Address: Plovdiv, ul. Petko Karavelov 4

Phone number: 088 8786347

Address: Plovdiv, Kmetstvo Radko Dimitriev 13 fl. 1

Phone number: 088 9410402

Address: Plovdiv, Kiril Hristov 8

Phone number: 089 7515 526

Address: Plovdiv, Iztochen 47

Phone number: 032 684995

Address: Plovdiv, Trakiya, Targ. TS-r Sani

Phone number: 032 963584

Address: Plovdiv, TSar Boris III Obedinitel 33

Phone number: 088 8710148

Address: Plovdiv, Gustav Vaygand 10