Beer Production and Wholesale in Bulgaria


Phone number: 0888168700; 0876590290

Sofia, 7 Obelsko shose str.

Wholesale and retail of alcohol, soft drinks, beer, mineral water, juices, energy drinks, tea, coffee, cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, tobacco, confectionery, nuts, batteries, condoms, electronic cigarette, nicotine liquid.

Phone number: 032 678291

Address: Plovdiv, Kuklensko shose 17

Phone number: 07142 3218

Address: Kostenets, TSarigradsko shose 98

Phone number: 02 440 13 60

Address: Sofia, Mladost 4, Biznes park Sofiya, sgrada 3, et.2

Phone number: 02 9270270

Address: Sofia, Moderno predgradie bl. 9

Phone number: 0877 608019

Address: Varna, CHayka bl. 61 ent. A fl. 4 ap. 46

Phone number: 0301 640 36

Address: Smolyan, Stoyu SHishkov 1 ent. A

Phone number: 062 670181

Address: Veliko Tarnovo, bul. Nikola Gabrovski 92

Phone number: 088 8948123, 02 9621203, 02 8687798

Address: Sofia, ul. Srebarna 21