Marketing Services in Bulgaria


Phone number: 029732687

Sofia, 5 Dimitar Peshev Str.

Salvis Pharma Ltd provides high-quality services in the area of marketing, import and distribution of pharmaceutical products, medical devices, etc. on the territory of Bulgaria. It has import and wholesaling licences and is ISO 9001:2008 certfied.

Art Engineering

Phone number: 0887180058

Vratsa, Industrialna zona, Baza Orlovets


Phone number: 024709130; 024709071

Sofia, ul. Dimitar Hadzhikotsev 94 fl. 4 ap. 8

Agency for public relations and special events. Our credo: Rather than spending more than the competitors, think better than them!

Phone number: 032 582813

Address: Plovdiv, Bulair 1 ent. A

Phone number: 088 7110114

Address: Sofia, Krasno selo ul. Slaviya bl. 183 ent. b

Phone number: 02 9814059

Address: Sofia, Knyaz Boris 14

Phone number: 087 8338427

Address: Sofia, Lom 1V

Phone number: 02 8669450

Address: Sofia, Lozenska planina 4

Phone number: 032 636 740

Address: Plovdiv, Leonardo da Vinchi 64 fl. 2 ap. 6