Wood Processing Machines and Tools Manufacturing and Wholesale in Gabrovo


Phone number: 0878800162; 066800822

Gabrovo, 2 Negenska str.

For more than twenty years we have been producing band saw blades for wood and metal cutting, tools, devices and machines. We are the leading Bulgarian producer of band saw blades for wood, devices and machines for their maintenance.

Phone number: 088 8206112

Address: Gabrovo, ul. Bazhdar 14

Phone number: 066 800101

Address: Gabrovo, Industrialna 44

Phone number: 066 801502

Address: Gabrovo, Gen.N.G.Stoletov 131

Phone number: 066 800250

Address: Gabrovo, Gen.N.G.Stoletov 131

Phone number: 066 800 887

Address: Gabrovo, Bichkinya bul. Stoletov 157

Phone number: 066 800658

Address: Gabrovo, L. Karavelov 8