Designers Bureaux in Kazanlak


Phone number: 0883553609; 0885131537

Kazanlak, 17 Knyaz Aleksandar Batenberg Blvd.

Projects for public, residential and industrial buildings and compounds, detailed planning and exchange of functions of agricultural lands, counselling on projects and construction, landscape design.

Phone number: 0888 198 610

Address: Kazanlak, Vasil Levski bl. 26 ap. 44

Phone number: 088 8845270

Address: Kazanlak, Kiril Metodiy 5, ofis 16

Phone number: 088 8385204

Address: Kazanlak, Nadezhda 7

Phone number: 0431 63463

Address: Kazanlak, Iskra 4 ap. 6

Phone number: 0431 64941

Address: Kazanlak, Slavyanska 8, ofis 6

Phone number: 088 5407731

Address: Kazanlak, Kaproni 1