Periodical Press Distribution in Bulgaria


Phone number: 029633082; 029632047

Sofia, 63 Yoan Ekzarh Str.

Dobi Press Limited is among the leading private companies in the area of subscription and distribution of Bulgarian and foreign periodicals like newspapers, magazines, bulletins and books. The company publishes the magazine and newspaper AKTIV.

Phone number: 052 504 704

Address: Varna, Geo Milev 5

Phone number: 068 623717

Address: Lovech, Akad.Ishirkov 9

Phone number: 032 631158

Address: Plovdiv, Iztochen 80

Phone number: 094 606347

Address: Vidin, Bdin 8 varhu 2

Phone number: 032 643868

Address: Plovdiv, Mladezhka 1A ent. A

Phone number: 064 806083

Address: Pleven, Resen 4A

Phone number: 088 8341001

Address: Sofia, Pop Evstati Vitoshki 22

Phone number: 0722 66750

Address: Samokov, H.Zografski 2

Phone number: 089 7923013

Address: Razgrad, Orel bl. 5