Non-profit Organisations and Companies in Sofia

Union of the Funeral Companies in Bulgaria

Sofia, Orlandovtsi Nbh., 3 Oporska reka Str.

The Union was founded as a natural and voluntary association of entrepreneurs in this specific field of business to protect the interests of its members and to put an end to the state and municipal monopoly in the branch.


Phone number: 028220888

Sofia, Zaharna fabrika, bl. 51, ent. A

Providing a range of social services, care and support, for a period not exceeding three months per calendar year.

Phone number: 0885432540

Address: Sofia, Pier Degetar 9 bl. 3 ap. 39

Phone number: 02 989 40 24

Address: Sofia, Bacho Kiro 16 fl. 3 ap. 8

Phone number: 02 9200573

Address: Sofia, Aleksandar Stamboliyski 205

Phone number: 02 9800252

Address: Sofia, Knyaz Al.Batenberg 4

Phone number: 089 9927177

Address: Sofia, Darvenitsa ul.Dabnitsa 3

Phone number: 089 8346488

Address: Sofia, Aleksandar Stamboliyski 52