VNG Group - Artistico

The company manufactures, trades with and installs massive, laminate wood flooring and decking. The company is the sole manufacturer of artistic flooring in the country, made from massive wood. We also produce doors, kitchens and window frames.

The company manufactures, trades with and installs massive, laminate wood flooring and decking. The company is the sole manufacturer of artistic flooring in the country, made from hardwood.
Because of our long-term tradition and experience, we can offer wide assortment of floors:
- hardwood from different wood species - oak, walnut, cherry, ash, wenge, dussie, merbau, etc. - in variety of lengths and quality
- wood flooring from different wood species
- pre-finished wood flooring and parquets
- luxurious artistic flooring: art mosaic panels, modules, borders, medallions and made by individual projects
- multilayer and laminate parquet
- decking

We offer the whole process - from the initial project up to the final realization, which guarantees the peace and comfort of our clients.
Produced with special attention and preciseness, our wood floors will transform your home into a unique place, combining comfort, style and elegance.

The companyimports and is a distributor of professional supplies for parquet treatment from the leading Italian and German brands - Loba, Wakol,Vermeister.

We also specialize in the production of interior doors. We offer doors in different materials, colors and class, with a variety of glazing and hardware.

For more information, please visit one of our shops, or click on our website.


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