Meli-M Company is supplier for traditional and stylized folklore costumes. Folklore costumes are with embrodery or another decoration like traditonal history costumes. Meli-M company is owner Miss Match trade mark and is certifited by ISO 9001

Meli-M Company is supplier for traditional and stylized folklore costumes. Folklore costumes are with embrodery or another decoration like traditonal history costumes. Traditonal cotumes includes: shirt \riza\ with embroidery, sukman or dress\pinaflore, traditonal skirts with embroidery, traditional apron sand accessoaries: Belt buckle (pafti), Necklace with pices (pendari) pendary.

Men's traditonal costume includes: traditional shirt with embrodery, trousers pant's (poturi), short vest (elek)j, hat - kalpak, sash (poyas) 

Meli-M company is owner Miss Match trade mark and is certifited by ISO 9001: 2008



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