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Masha Krass

Company 'Masha Krass' Ltd. was founded in 2003 in Varna.Its main business is the investment in building of real estates and then selling the property.The company is also involved in the development of certain territories and accomplishing infrastru

Company 'Masha Krass' Ltd. was founded in 2003 in Varna. Its main business is the investment in building of real estates and then selling the property. The company is also involved in the development of certain territories and accomplishing infrastructural projects.

Business interests of the company are mainly in three areas, namely the construction of residential complex right next to the Botanical garden in Balchik; consolidation and development of its own large plot of land which borders the resort 'Albena'; preparation for building of acquired own land near the river Kamchia.

Each of the three projects has its own peculiarities and structural differences, enabling the company to specialize in procedures and methods of purchase of land consolidation, division, change of status and preparation of plots; activities concerning the fortification of the land, construction of infrastructure projects ( Water and Electricity), development of multifunctional architectural ideas for development, acquisition of all documentation throughout the construction, developing own advertising campaigns, direct sales of the own real estate.

What distinguishes 'Masha Krass' Ltd. of standard investment activity is the desire of management to close the cycle of operation from land purchase to implementation of the final product. The company is the owner of and develops only its own estates and offers apartments and other real estate that are fully financially unencumbered.
A main advantage is also the fact that 'Masha Krass' Ltd. operates with personal funds, which provides freedom of action, but also is a guarantee for increased control in the implementation of activities.

The main objectives that the company sets are maximizing the quality, uniqueness and exclusivity of the final product and 100% satisfaction of the customer needs.


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Марин Колев 19 Aug 2015 14:16

„Маша Красс” ООД e една надеждна фирма с много добри инвестиционни проекти в областта на недвижимите имоти, на много добри и интересни места.

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