Kintech Ltd is established in 2001 and is authorized dealer and a service of office equipment Toshiba - notebooks, copiers, projectors and wide format copiers KIP and Seiko. The company covers the territory of Bulgaria with regional trade-service centers and dealer network. The activities of Kintech Ltd is certified in the system for control of the quality of the international standard and guarantee for it's services by system for quality tracking - EN ISO 9001:2008.




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Марияна Сивкова 16 Jul 2015 21:29

От Кинтек купихме офис оборудване- компютри и копирна машина. Техниката работи много добре и сме доволни и от обслужването. Ако се налага сервиз момчетата идват своевременно и оправят всичко.

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