'Inzhproject 'LTD carries out activities in the field of design in all areas. The company provides advice on future projects and investment plans.

"Engineer Project" Ltd. focuses on an individual approach to each project develops. Our main goal is to offer an optimal solution to allocate time and resources in the most - best way at high quality performance.

When drafting the company relies on proven specialists in their field. The formation of a competitive team was driven by the pursuit of quality of design, specification of the task at hand, and most importantly - consistency between each specialty to allow the product to be competitive.

Top priority in the process is to analyze the problems, the interests and achieve the goals of each client.

Until now, the bureau has prepared project documentation in all required parts for more than 300 sites.
Including holiday complexes, hotels, residential buildings, office buildings, streets, roads, underground infrastructure projects - water, sanitation and cabling.
Many sports fields, most of which sold or in the process of implementation.


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Инж Проект ни изготвиха проект за малък семеен хотел на морето. Останахме доволни,, изискванията ни бяха удовлетворени, получихме компетентни съвети. Доказани професионалисти, препоръчвам.

Иван Георгиев 09 May 2014 17:41


Препоръчвам фирма ИНЖПРОЕКТ. Получихме професионална консултация за проектирането на обекта на нашата фирма.Специалисти с опит!

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