Motels in Bulgaria


Phone number: 0888003831; 0896707808

Blagoevgrad, ul. Osvobozhdenie 6

Complex Havana - Blagoevgrad The hotel part of the complex has 18 beds in double rooms and bedrooms. Trees and greenery, which are around the hotel make it a nice place for rest and recreation, business stay in town.

Phone number: 052 602 956

Address: Varna, bul. Devnya

Phone number: 02 857 32 95

Address: Sofia, Natsionalen park Vitosha

Phone number: 03134 6161

Address: Anevo,

Phone number: 038 624157

Address: Haskovo, Aleko Konstantinov 1 fl. 1

Phone number: 0888 907 043

Address: Balgarevo, ul. Parva 2A

Phone number: 0453 2360

Address: Kotel, Luda Kamchiya 1

Phone number: 02 925 02 10

Address: Sofia, Moderno predgradie bul. Okolovrasten pat

Phone number: 0817 73396

Address: Byala, Vvasil Aprilov 29