Monitoring and Measurement Devices Manufacturing and Wholesale in Plovdiv


Phone number: 0878336633

Plovdiv, 4 Rodopi Str.

BESIDE ltd. is a branch of BENINCA - ITALY, one of the leaders in the field of the gate automation. We offer: barriers; access control; traffic lights; bollards; automations for sliding or swinging gates, garage or industrial doors, rolling shutters.

Phone number: 0887 080858

Address: Plovdiv, Vastanicheski bul. Kuklensko shose 58

Phone number: 032 962 345

Address: Plovdiv, Brezovsko shose 145

Phone number: 088 8620539

Address: Plovdiv, Kocho CHestimenski 1

Phone number: 032 968290

Address: Plovdiv, ul. Polk.S.Mutkurov 55

Phone number: 032 960143

Address: Plovdiv, Brezovsko shose 145 fl. 2

Phone number: 032 670225

Address: Plovdiv, N.Y.Vaptsarov 98

Phone number: 032681975,0887294643,0894533454

Address: Plovdiv, bul. Osvobozhdenie 3