Massage in Bulgaria


Phone number: 0886102942; 0886395414

Sofia, 90 Bulgaria Blvd.

Like the Art, the trends in beauty and health, follow the spirit of the Time. Inner beauty is what matters. Self-respect, vitality, wellness and long life ? this is what we all want. Share with us the pleasure of taking care of your-self.

Phone number: 088 9557327

Address: Vratsa, ul. Ivanka Boteva 18

Phone number: 02 9443771

Address: Sofia, TSar Ivan Asen II 18

Phone number: 062 588822

Address: Veliko Tarnovo, ul. Knyaz Al. Batenberg 2A

Phone number: 02 4425771

Address: Sofia, ul. Buzludzha 62

Phone number: 0889 300237

Address: Sliven, ul. Todor Ikonomov 9

Phone number: 089 9205047

Address: Sofia, Lozenets ul. Krastyo Sarafov 27

Phone number: 0886 311785

Address: Sofia, Manastirski Livadi ul. Mur 35

Phone number: 0897 500190

Address: Sofia, Dragalevtsi ul. Matochina 5