Electrical Installations and Boards in Plovdiv


Phone number: 032580517; 032942175

Plovdiv, bul. Balgariya 111

Company Yolani deals with repair and maintenance of electrical installations and equipment since 2001. In the next two years expanded its project for installation, maintenance and monitoring of diesel generators.

Phone number: 032 693 809

Address: Plovdiv, Rayko ZHinzifov 15

Phone number: 032 962 693

Address: Plovdiv, G.Benev 9

Phone number: 032 624777

Address: Plovdiv, Betoven 12

Phone number: 032 646464

Address: Plovdiv, bul. Saedinenie 14a

Phone number: 032 643 478

Address: Plovdiv, Sv.Naum 2

Phone number: 087 8460758

Address: Plovdiv, YUzhen ul. Baykal 5

Phone number: 0889460032

Address: Plovdiv, ul. Vacha 1

Phone number: 088 3555287

Address: Plovdiv, ul. TSar Asen 35

Phone number: 032648788

Address: Plovdiv, bul. Peshtersko shose 82 fl. 2 ap. of9