Building Materials, Elements and Structures Wholesale in Dobrich


Phone number: 058655900

Dobrich, 60 3-th mart Blvd.

The YTONG blocks are ecological, modern and healthy building material for your home. All YTONG products allow the wall to breath thus providing healthy room climate, warmth in winter and coolness in summer.

Phone number: 058 600076

Address: Dobrich, Prostor 4

Phone number: 0888 340 650

Address: Dobrich, Gen.Kolev 19

Phone number: 088 9719368

Address: Dobrich, Dobrotitsa bl. 45

Phone number: 088 9 303569

Address: Dobrich, Gen Skobelev 2 ent. V fl. 5 ap. 13

Phone number: 058 630 144

Address: Dobrich, 3-ti mart 50

Phone number: 0700 14600

Address: Dobrich, ul. Angel P.Stoyanov 2

Phone number: 089 5880666

Address: Dobrich, Sirma Voyvoda 12