Hospitals in Bulgaria


Sofia, Razsadnika Nbh., 25-31 Hristo Blagoev Str.

Dr. Shterev Hospital - well-trained specialists, state-of-the-art equipment, excellent conditions and conveniences. Here you will find quality care in the field of gynecology, obstetrics and assisted reproductive technologies in vitro, IUI, etc.


Phone number: 0886418841; 0893049938

Plovdiv, 80 Peshtersko shose Blvd.

Phone number: 082 813 961

Address: Ruse, Aleya Liliya 1

Phone number: 066 809309

Address: Gabrovo, Velchevtsi

Phone number: 02 8184666

Address: Sofia, Balgariya 104

Phone number: 073884210

Address: Blagoevgrad, 4 Tsanko TSerkovski Str.

Phone number: 032 602974

Address: Plovdiv, bul. Peshtersko shose 66

Phone number: 0675 34502

Address: Sevlievo, Nikola Petkov 60