Dentists and Dental Surgeries in Bulgaria

Burgasdent Dental Clinic

Phone number: 056811011; 0879803044

Burgas, 73 Probuda Str.

High specialization of the dental medicine specialists, combined with the latest developments in technology and the pleasant atmosphere have improved the quality of service and treatment of patients at Burgasdent clinic.


Phone number: 052978097

Varna, 17 Kapitan Petko Voyvoda Str.

Welcome to the dental office, Dr. Argirova! You can take advantage of the following services: treatment of caries, teeth whitening, tartar, veneers, fillings, extractions nerve treatment of pulpitis, tooth extraction, zirconium crowns, metal ceramics


Phone number: 082507505; 0889645303

Ruse, 9A Petko D.Petkov str.

We offer a combination of experience and professionall approach with youthful enthusiasm and keen on self-improvement. The clinic is equipped with modern dental inventory. There is a comfortable doctor's office and high level of hygiene that we keep.


Plovdiv, 147 Tsar Boris III Obedinitel boul.

We are a small, family-run dental practice and our mission is to provide you with the highest quality dental care at reasonable prices. We are extending our service to you from 9.00 am to 21.00 pm every weekday.