Law Firm Stoyanov and Partners

Lawyers - criminal and civil, legal asvices in sirious criminal cases-smuggling, drugs, homocides, border human traffic and other, family law, inheritance law, business law, registration of company.

Lawyer Dimo Stoyanov – graduated from SU”St.Kliment Ohridski”, 35 years practice as a lawyer, specialist in criminal law, long-standing chairman of Lawyers Bar of Khaskovo, reserved member of Supreme Bar Council, he worked in many serious crime cases and he achieved many acquittals sentences. He contributed for development and unification of court practice in different courts.

Cell- 0877928201
Email: [email protected]

Lawyer Lidiya Stoyanova – graduated from VFU”Chernorizetz Hrabyr”, 15 years practice as a lawyer, specialist in civil and criminal law

Cell- 0879650644
Email: [email protected]

Consultations in foreign languages:English, Russian, Greek, Turkish, Serbian, Macedonian.

Through the years our law firm has trained a number of young lawyers, Who have realizing as judges, prosecutors, investigating officers, legal advisers.



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