Geotechnical investigations for constructions; design of slope stabilization measures for landslides and excavations; groundwater surveys and design for water supply wells and dewatering systems; geoecological surveys.

About the company "STIV 88"

Since its founding in 1992 "STIV 88" combines the interests of its clients and investors, with professional responsibility and the legal requirements in the field of engineering in Bulgaria.

Working with licensed software, accredited laboratories and designers who are members of the Chamber of Engineers of investment design helped us implementing a number of projects and tasks in the field of engineering geology, environmental and geotechnical engineering and hydrogeology.

With their significant experience in designing, the main experts in the leading branches of the company's work - engineers and geologists, are scientists and professors in prestigious national universities.

Considering the diversity in the geological and tectonic structure of our territory, as well as the substantial number of developed potential adverse and dangerous processes such as landslides and rockfalls, weathering, erosion, abrasion, poor soils and earthquakes, we are preparing executive teams flexibly and precisely for the specificy of the work on field.

 How we work with clients

  • We are honest and responsible in our work ;
  • We are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided to the investor, in compliance with the standards and regulations ;
  • Precision within the scope of research works to obtain accurate and sufficient information for the project implementation;
  • We improve our technologies constantly, using internationally recognized methods and experience;
  • To have the best solutions for each project we are using published and archival regional geological data, along with local construction experience.

 The main activities

  • Geotechnical studies for the design of buildings and facilities;
  • Engineering studies and projects of landslides and slopes of deep excavations ;
  • Hydrogeological studies and design abstraction wells and dewatering systems;
  • Research and monitoring of hazardous geological processes;
  • Environmental studies and geo-ecological studies.

 Manager of "STIV 88" is Dipl. Eng. Zhivka Frangova - a specialist in the field of geotechnical studies.

You can count on us because we have a solution for you!

Engineering geological and hydrogeological surveys for buildings and constructions, monitoring, expertise, projects for drainage systems and water supply wells, stabilizations of landslides and excavations, engineering geodynamics and geoecology, geotechnical assessment of ground basement.



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Имал съм удоволствието да работя със СТИВ - 88 по един голям строителен проект, където те правиха геоложките проучвания. Изключително професионално се справиха. Много прецизна и точна работа. Поздравления за целия екип и специално за инж. Франгова.

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