Legal services and consultations in corporate and commercial, administrative, bank, property, tax, employment and social security law, registration of companies, real estates, intellectual property, litigation, legal due diligence reports.

Legal services and consultations in corporate and commercial, administrative, property, tax, employment and social security law, registration of companies, real estates, intellectual property, litigation, legal due diligence reports, project financing, renewables and green energy projects, environmental law, public procurement advice, domestic and international arbitration.


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Георги Коцев 08 Jul 2015 15:11

С две ръце препоръчвам тази фирма като една от най-добрите в областта на търговското право. Нямат пропуск и изпипват всичко до най-малкия детайл. Оказаха ми неоценима правна помощ. Много съм доволен от услугите им.

Емилиян Иванов 25 Nov 2013 13:10

Висока степен на компетентност!

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