Consultations in the field of qualifications, retraining, Euro-project evaluation assets, training of personnel selection, management, marketing, accounting and economic analysis, forecasting, analysis and economic situation, problem expertise manage

International company in management and service entity based in Pleven and offices in Gabrovo, Veliko Tarnovo and Bonn - Germany.

The company was founded in 1992 with a strong character and consultancy specializing in management, marketing, accounting and economic analysis and forecasting, analysis of the economic situation of companies, general and expert problem, an analysis of the contractual obligations of companies, organizational development and management, selection and training of staff.

In its activity ICoMS uses a wide range of consultants and experts with high qualifications and professional experience. The combination of professional opportunities in practice and tested methods, provide high quality services. The company is licensed by "Privatization Agency" for evaluation of property, plant and equipment and fixed assets of state, municipal and commercial companies. The manager is an active member of the Chamber of independent evaluators in Bulgaria. Has committed more than 850 evaluations, the vast majority are under contracts with the Municipality of Pleven and other municipalities in the region. Over the past three years the company has assessed 100% of the assets of the target section for searching to be evaluated. One of priority directions in which the company successfully developed its business is training and qualification of human resources. VTC to the company holds a license from the National Agency for the training of 32 lines, 94 professions and 175 specialties for which certificates and certificates of qualification. Conduct and language courses.

Training is conducted by reputable, qualified consultants, academics and experts with extensive professional and teaching experience. To conduct quality and effective learning process material are secured facilities with modern equipment. The company has trained over 1200 unemployed jobseeker - Pleven, Vratsa, Gabrovo, Ruse. In developed and implemented large-scale projects "and IAS" - retraining of 68 corporate financial managers of Pleven reUpravlenie a small company, "" Start in Business "and" Business English ", funded by the MoD for the retraining of 480 voenosluzheshti;" Financial menidzhmantgion financed by the "Hanns Seidel" - Germany "Perennials" - a budget line ALMS, funded by the Employment Agency. In 2008 launched a project entitled "High adaptability of employees" - training of 91 working in the "London - BT", funded by the Operational Programme "Human Resources" from 2007 to 2013 with a budget of about 100 000 leva company performs 80% of the volume of work. In 2010 "ICoMS" as an educational organization involved in the project "Vocational qualifications - a guarantee of quality and competitiveness of the cannery," Peltier "in which 65 employees were trained and workers' Peltier." The company has participated in the development of three more projects under the OP "Human Resources" made by other companies. Co-founder of the "National Association for Project Management". "ICoMS" Ltd. is a commercial representation of "Helios Energy" Ltd. - Bulgaria, working in the field energy efficiency.

The company has a team of competent professionals, a computer program for model testing of buildings set of technical resources necessary to carry out energy efficiency audits. Our competitive advantages: individual and flexible approach, good price / quality ratio of service ; competent and reliable team of experts, knowledge of the business environment in Bulgaria, an extensive network of contacts with Bulgarian and foreign companies and institutions.

ICoMS Ltd. provides highly qualified consulting:

  • Legal analysis;
  • Business assessments;
  • Development of Pre-privatization expertise and privatization projects;
  • Assessments of property, land and machinery and equipment;
  • Preparation of tender and tender documentation;

 ICoMS Ltd. is among the leading organizations in the city that offer vocational training in 94 professions and 175 specializations in the following areas:

  • Arts
  • Business and Administration
  • Informatics
  • Technique
  • Production and processing
  • Architecture and Construction
  • Agriculture, forestry and fishing
  • Social services
  • Personal services
  • Environmental Protection
  • Public safety and security
  • Health
  • Transportation


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Валери Милчев 25 Jun 2015 16:14

Използвах услугите на Икомс за консултации по европроект за къща за гости. Нямаше да се справя без тях и експертната им помощ. Изключително добре подготвени и запознати с материята са. Препоръчвам ги.

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