Company "Eurocar Kens" offers driving lessons in the city of Sofia - Mladost, Student City, Slatina, East Friendship tailored to individual needs and leisure customer.

We guarantee fulfillment of the motto of the company, namely: Honesty, elegance, reliability and security to every prospective student.


Category "B"

Practice: steering 31 hours in urban and extra-

practical training is conducted primarily in the area of: Youth, Bug, Student City, Friendship, Gorublyane, Centre, East, Pliska Hotel, Slatina.

Theory: The Cabinet of theoretical preparation of "Eurocar Kens" is equipped with a video surveillance system as required by the Department of Transportation and is licensed to conduct exams KD-DAI - Sofia.

Our fleet consists of modern and reliable vehicle required for your successful learning.


Telephone recording: 0888/64 98 65

Driving School "Eurocar KENS"

Driving lessons Sofia

Driving Schools Youtube

Driving lessons Slatina

Driving lessons Friendship

City Driving School Student

Driving lessons East


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Атанас Кирилов 14 May 2015 23:04

Сериозна фирма за шорьорски курсове - доволен съм

Доволен съм от услугите на фирмата - взех без проблеми и листовки и кормуване. Сега тепърва ще трупам опит с шифирането, но като цяло съм доволен от наученото и от автомобилите на които се кормува.

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