Licensed HR Agency is specialized for recruitment of personnel in Bulgaria and abroad. No advance payment required for orders. Discounts are applied for more than 3 positions opened by the customer. Additional services: HR outsourcing and appraisals.

"Creativo" Ltd. is a licensed agency for recruitment in Bulgaria and abroad.

Agency offers various services related to the labor market and the implementation of training programs. Our goal is to meet all market requirements posed Bulgarian or foreign employer to apply for vacant positions.

Apply all legal means to protect the rights of job applicants. Develop and engage in appropriate programs for human resource development, financed by the European Union.

We do not require advance payment for services: payment service recruitment becomes one month after commencement of work.

We offer discounts for more than three declared jobs.

We provide services and outsourcing and evaluation of staff.


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Откак решихме да се обърнем към агенция за подбор на персонала, сме много доволни. Това са хора професионалисти, които знаят как да намерят точния човек за нас. Мен лично ме впечатли и това, че се плаща 1 месец след започване на работа на служителя, което ни гарантира удовлетворение от избора. С две думи - оставете тези неща на професионалистите, те ще го направят така, че да останете доволни.

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