Advertising agency. Advertising, art and commercial photography. Graphic and corporate design. Logo design, prepress, offset and large format printing. Creative ideas and solutions. Our main priority - highest quality at competitive prices.

Advertising agency Studio Blick was established in 1999

Main directions of our activities are: photography, graphic design, prepress and printing high quality advertising materials.

An important objective of our work is to achieve the highest possible quality of the manufactured promotional products at competitive market prices. The realization of this goal is possible because of our professionalism and dedication.

Skillful combination of ideas and technology makes us interesting and useful for our customers. Traditionally we have long-term partnerships and strive to develop and preserve them. This once again requires us to work qualitatively and correctly.

For more information visit our website:


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Мария Денкова 12 Aug 2015 09:16

Блик са много добра рекламна агенция. Работим с тях от няколко години продуктовите си каталози.Предлагат добри решения, фотографиите дизайна и печата са им на на много добро ниво. Цените са напълно прилични.Опитвала съм се да работя и с други, но винаги съм се връщала в последствие. Желая им успех!

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