After-school Classes and Clubs

This service is offered by many state schools. Sometimes due to the lack of space or enough children, it is only available for 1st and 2nd grade students and not for all primary school children in the school. The opening hours vary and the afterschool clubs are usually open until 17:00 or 18:00 hours. The afterschool classes and clubs can also be offered before the school lessons, depending on whetehr the child is at school in the morning or in the afternoon.

If the conditions in the state school are not suitable you can send your child to a private afterschool club. Usually there are no more than 15 children per group and one or two teachers are looking after them. Some of the afterschool clubs and classes offer a variety of additional services such as picking up and droping off from school or to other classes, transport, food (warm lunch and snacks) and even communicating with the teachers on your behalf. The opening hours are more flexible - some of them are even open until 21:00 hours, including the weekend. You usually pay more for foreign language classes and sport. The prices vary significantly depending on the variety of services included.

Useful Links:

Ministry of Education

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

Regional Health Inspection Sofia (RIOKOZ)