Commercial Vehicles in Plovdiv


Phone number: 0878162557; 032207012

Plovdiv, 82 Peshtersko shoce Str.,2 fl, ap. 8


Phone number: 0889915850; 032692745

Plovdiv, 32 Kuklensko shose Str., office 209

The company owns 5 trucks specializing in groupages Bulgaria - Italy - Bulgaria


Plovdiv, ul. Karlovsko shose 50

'Vip Logistics' offers international transport, transport of oversized construction, agricultural machinery and other goods. Performs and trading trucks and construction equipment, service trucks, making Tir tarpaulins, tents and more.

Phone number: 032 681145

Address: Plovdiv, Trakiya bl. 15 ent. 5

Phone number: 089 9979740

Address: Plovdiv, Avksentiy Veleshki 42A

Phone number: 032 629230

Address: Plovdiv, 3-ti mart 14

Phone number: 032 694232

Address: Plovdiv, ul. Kuklensko shose 34, do mitnitsata

Phone number: 032 90 99 90

Address: Plovdiv, Golyamokonarsko shose, 4-ti kilometar

Phone number: 032 968515

Address: Plovdiv, TSar Boris III Obedinitel 37