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Spedex Logistics Ltd. was founded in 2006 The company is river transport, domestic and international road transport, heavy and gp transport, port forwarding, shipping, customs brokerage and representation.

Company “Spedex Logistics” Ltd. carries out transportation of general, bulk, liquid cargo, machinery and equipment over the Danube with different types and sizes with river barges. Serve as batches and groupage consignments.

Chartering of vessels through the river Bulgarian, Romanian and Ukrainian ship owners operating in the Danube.

Spedex Logistics Ltd. was founded in 2006 The company is river transport, domestic and international road and railway transport, port forwarding, shipping and customs brokerage and representation. The company transports oversized and heavy cargo, which includes specialized compositions, escort vehicles and a team of professionals in this field. Also, we can offer you warehouse under customs supervision in the city of Rousse.



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Ганчо Михайлов 20 Jun 2015 19:14

Работим от години със Спедекс и не бихме ги сменили с друга спедиторска фирма.Те са изключително коректни партньори и се ползват с пълното ни доверие.Доставките са винаги точно на време а стоката е в съответния търговски вид.Допълнително улеснение е оформянето на документите за митницата и застраховката на стоката.Благодарим им за ползотворното сътрудничество.

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