Residential Construction in Plovdiv


Phone number: 032630667

Plovdiv, 126 6-ti septemvri Blvd., fl. 1, ap. 1

Construction company MAI GROUP deals with public and industrial construction, facility construction of steel structures, complete engineering in the field of heavy and light industry, sports and more.

Phone number: 087 8958104

Address: Plovdiv, Avksentiy Veleshki 13

Phone number: 032 630 509

Address: Plovdiv, Saborna 7

Phone number: 032 621 376

Address: Plovdiv, Sv.Kliment 7 fl. 1

Phone number: 032 625270

Address: Plovdiv, Detelin Voyvoda 3A

Phone number: 032 630780

Address: Plovdiv, Avks.Veleshki 5

Phone number: 032 631294

Address: Plovdiv, Petko D. Petkov 15

Phone number: 088 7704858

Address: Plovdiv, Polkovnik Sava Mutkurov 24

Phone number: 032 620707

Address: Plovdiv, Knyaginya Mariya-Luiza 43