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Plants for optics manufacture and sell precise optical components, also optical and optico-mechanical assemblies - spherical lenses, flat optics, prisms and wedges, achromatic doublets and triplets, optical reticles, radii test plates, optical coatin

Plants for optics manufacture and sell precise optical components, also optical and optico-mechanical assemblies - spherical lenses, flat optics, prisms and wedges, achromatic doublets and triplets, optical reticles, radii test plates, optical coatings and mounted objetives and oculars.

Plant for Optics offer to customer a design and engineering of optical products and systems, and optical components under customer's specification. The production is based on proved and advanced optical technologies and new, sophisticated equipment and experience since 1971, and it is operated by an integrated system for quality assurance ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001. Plant for Optics sell the products both at  European and Bulgarian markets. Our long-term clients in the EU are leading companies in the area of optics and optical systems and devices.


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