Company YAK TRADE offers design, fabrication and installation of aluminum and PVC windows, curtain walls, ventilated facades, balustrades, complex structures. Projects in the field of glazing and external cladding.

YAK TRADING was established in 2007 by people with years of experience in the fields of design, development and installation of aluminium and PVC doors, windows, aluminium curtain walls, ventilated facades, railings and complex structures which are the company’s main activities.

YAK TRADING has potential for the completion of various projects in the field of glazing and exterior cladding.

We strive to build a modern European company ready to satisfy the needs and aspirations of its clients. The combination of experienced professionals and the use of quality materials leads to outstanding end products.

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Филип Гайдев 25 Jul 2015 13:21

Преди 5 години тая фирма ни сложи PVC дограма. Проект, изработка, монтираха я, всичко. Много експедитивно и качествено работиха, помня че бяхме останали много доволни от отношението им към работата. А и самата дограма е хубава, не дава конденз, не се измята, не е мръднала въобще.

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