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Travel around the world: organized tours, vacations and business trips to exotic destinations such as Mexico, Kenya, India, Hawaii, South Africa, Peru, Brazil. Honeymoons, wedding tours and individual trips. Culture, history, heritage and customs.

 Tour operator and travel agency Tiara Tours Ltd has a profile in new and exotic destinations.

 As a tour operator with our overseas partners, we offer our clients travel opportunities and holidays in India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, South Korea.

Together with our partner companies in Bulgaria, we offer tours to South Africa, Kenya, Mexico, Hawaii, Jordan, Zanzibar.

We believe that we provide our clients with a vacation in style, satisfying them about the little things that make their trip a memorable experience. In order to succeed in doing this, we choose routes and accommodation with care and attention to every detail.

Travel time, treatment and rests in our route are allocated according to the capabilities of the people traveling with us. This is done in order to satisfy their wishes and to keep them fresh and relaxed, so they are fully capable to enjoy whatever these wonderful places have to offer.

A special part of any trip with us are - food and entertainment – here we always select places to eat, where you can try local specialties, fresh and delicious food prepared according to the customs of the country. In any route we visit a cultural or dance act.

We offer tours of interest - historical, cultural, culinary, pilgrimage, adventure sports (fishing, golf, skiing, rafting, trekking), for photographers - amateur and professional,  health and spiritual health - Ayurvedic and spa,  wildlife trips- in the reserves for animals and birds, luxury beach holidays, honeymoon  trips. With us you can make a personal trip according to your own taste, as we offer- business travel, conferences and events, hotel accommodation and tickets for domestic flights.

We define ourselves as "travel consultant" and not just a travel agent. Our approach for the development of the company is "Step by Step". Since the establishment of the company, we maintain a high quality service, which follows:

  • Clarification of the requirements of our customers
  • Providing accurate and complete information.
  • Quick response to inquiry and offering an optimal price.
  • Maintaining a constant level of service and support to customers with attentive treatment of customers
  • Settlement of disputes and errors promptly, whenever they occurr

We understand that during your vacation time is valuable and therefore we offer only the best for your trip  – the best option for transportation, the best service and accommodation in order to provide you with your personal and memorable experience.

Our porfolio of destinations and an array of attractions - be it in unparalleled luxury or rustic simplicity, from lush green forests to snow-capped mountains, picturesque landscapes and idyllic beaches - combined with years of experience, expertise and personal service knowledge and experience are a guarantee for a truly memorable journey with us.


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Мария 31 May 2014 10:40

Екзотични дестинации

Класическия тур до Сицилия беше невероятен. Останахме очаровани от културата, от хората и от пътуването. Туристическа агенция "Тиара Тур" е страхотен избор за всеки, които има нужда от екскурзии до екзотични дестинации!

Тематичната обиколка на историческите забележителности в Южна Испания е впечатляваща. Препоръчвам на всеки който може, да пътува и да види с очите си. Препоръчвам горещо!

Орлин Бабев 11 Aug 2013 12:35

Вълшебната Индия

Това бяха дни в които забравих всичко и само се опитвах да попия информацията около мен.След кацането в Делхи се потопих в атмосвера напълно непозната но някак дружелюбна.Това пътуване за мен беше една нова врата към света.Индия отговори на всичките ми очаквания- една Нова бярзо развиваща се страна и същевременно безкраийно стара и потайна изпълнена с мистерии и неразгадани тайни.Блаодарение на Българските организатори и безапелативното съдействие на местните гидове приключението лично за мен си остава незабравимо и с надеждата отново да посетя тази прекрасна и изпълнена с тайни страна

Георги Неделчев 08 Aug 2013 15:22

Незабравим Кашмир

Цялото ми пътешествие из Индия беше много вълнуващо - и Делхи, и другите градове от Златния триъгълник. Но най-много ме впечатлиха трите дни, прекарани в Кашмир, на къщата-лодка насред езерото Дал. Препоръчвам този трип на всички. В Делхи, Агра или Джайпур може да ви заведе всеки, но в Шринагар - не кой да е. И сърцето ви ще остане завинаги там, в полите на Хималаите, край императорските градини отпреди 300 години.

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